Wednesday 26 October 2022

Adidas dumps Ye: Has Kanye West finally reached rock bottom?

Adidas dumps Ye: Has Kanye West finally reached rock bottom?
After weeks of pressure, adidas have finally announced that they've ended their partnership with the rapper formerly known as Kanye "Ye" West.

So, has Ye finally reached his lowest point?

There’s an often referenced rule in journalism called Betteridge's law of headlines. It states that any question asked in the headline of a piece can be answered by the word “no”. But while the rapper has seemed to be on an endless downfall over the past few years, it does feel as if he is close to his nadir.

For those who haven’t followed the star’s fall from grace, it’s been a startling trajectory.

By Jonny Walfisz.

Full story at Yahoo News.

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