Thursday 21 July 2022

Chaotic and divisive as ever, Boris Johnson bows out of PMQs in characteristic style

Theresa May stood stock still as other Tories applauded, Andrea Jenkyns cried and Labour MPs hurled profanities at the PM in his final Commons appearance.

Boris Johnson’s final Prime Minister’s Questions session was much like his premiership – chaotic, divisive, and mercurial.

After he wrapped it up with the words of the Terminator – “hasta la vista, baby”, it was Theresa May however who looked more like the stone-faced robotic killer as she stood still as every Conservative MP around her applauded.

Meanwhile, arch Brexiteer Andrea Jenkyns broke into tears, and Labour MPs allegedly yelled profanities in his direction.

By Arj Singh.

Full story at I News.

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