Friday 9 February 2018

There is danger now in Germany of a weak, centrist government – with extremists flourishing on both sides.

It is more than possible that by forming a new coalition with the Social Democrats, Angela Merkel has dug her own grave. Many of her own Christian Democrats are appalled by her behaviour.

“She doesn’t believe in anything,” as one furious German conservative put it yesterday. “She’s just completely caving in to the SPD [the Social Democrats].

“She’s making the same mistake as Helmut Kohl. She thinks she’s irreplaceable, but she isn’t.”

The biggest gainer from Merkel’s coalition (if the deal is ratified in the ballot of SPD members to which it must now be put) is likely to be Alternative for Germany [AfD], which at last September’s general election entered the Bundestag for the first time and became the third biggest party, so enjoys the privileges which come from being the official opposition to the coalition between the Christian and Social Democrats.

By Andrew Gimson.

Full story at Conservative Home.

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